
Experience the transformative power of coaching
Marie Carmel Philippeaux Marie Carmel Philippeaux

Experience the transformative power of coaching

A Coach provides a supportive and nonjudgmental space for a client to explore themselves. A client’s journey is unique, and our role as coaches is to guide and facilitate them through the process of self-discovery which lends to self-awareness.

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Prioritizing Self-Care: A Must for Parents and Caregivers
Marie Carmel Philippeaux Marie Carmel Philippeaux

Prioritizing Self-Care: A Must for Parents and Caregivers

As the new school year begins, it's essential to remember that our ability to support others often depends on our own well-being. Self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. It's about nurturing our minds, bodies, hearts, and spirits to create a balanced and fulfilling life.

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Rest is Essential
Marie Carmel Philippeaux Marie Carmel Philippeaux

Rest is Essential

Why is it that we equate busyness with worth? Rest is a radical act in a world that never stops. It's time to redefine success to include well-being. Prioritize rest, recharge, and return stronger.

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Are you ready to step into your power and make a lasting impact?

Schedule your discovery call today and let’s embark on a transformative journey together.